Habitability Checklist
This list is a guide to help you identify all of the things that can affect habitability, based upon
Civil Code §1941.1 and Health and Safety Code §17920.3. Due to the variety of circumstances
which can arise in a given rental situation, all of the possible conditions can’t be listed, so you
should use your own judgment to determine whether a particular condition you are concerned
with is like one of those listed here. Plainly stated, just because it’s not on this list doesn’t mean
it isn’t an uninhabitable one, particularly if it adversely affects living there.
Hot and cold water supplied
Hot water heated enough
Adequate water pressure
For both hot and cold?
To all faucets?
To washing machines?
No bursts
Clean water
Free of rust, discoloration
Odor free
No bad taste [eg, sewage]
Adequate drainage
No backups into sink/tub
Fast drainage
in all sinks
in shower/bathtub
Garbage disposal flows
Bathtub drain closes fully
Sink stoppers close fully
fill and flush quickly
No backups, overflows
Flushing mechanism works
Don’t leak at all
From water line to wall
At the base on the floor
From cracks or joints
Faucets on sinks and tub
firmly placed and unbroken
work easily on and off
Completely stop [no drips]
Leaky plumbing
Faucets don’t leak
when used [from stem]
Onto or under counter
Drains don’t leak under
Dishwasher doesn’t leak
Clothes washer doesn’t leak
Hoses -hot and cold intake
Drainage hose
Machine itself
Broken pipes in ceiling,
Adequate number of
No cracks or broken glass
No gaps in panes or
Weather sealing [no drafts]
Windows that open
Open easily and don’t stick
Stay open as needed
Close completely and latch
Ground floor windows lock
All have window screens
No holes or tears
Frames unbent, unbroken
Solid in frame [not loose]
All open without sticking
All easily close securely
All have working knobs
All have working latches
Exterior doors have
Weather stripping [no
Threshhold is solid,
No broken glass [exterior]
Sliding glass doors
Slide without effort
Close and lock securely
No tears or holes in screen
Screen door secure in track
Screen door latches closed
No cracks or broken glass
Screen doors on Exteriors
Properly mounted
Closing device works well
Frame unbent and unbroken
No holes or tears in screen
Opens and closes properly
Ceilings all secure
No holes, flaking, looseness
No leaks, stains from leaks
Not collapsing or soft
Walls all secure
No holes or gaps to outside
No weak, damp or soft
Protected surface near water
Shower area waterproofed
Adequate heat insulation
Paint is not flaking or
peeling, and
is not lead-based
Stairways and rails secure
Earthquake retrofitting done
No roof leaks from rain
Weather-sealed walls [ie,
Sealed underground walls
Unflooded basement areas
Common Areas
Working security gates, etc.
Clean swimming pool
Adequate exterior lighting
Working intercom system
Walkways with trip hazards
Working, lit laundry room
Adequate trash bins/pickup
No trash/debris/junk
Health: Infestations of
mice, rats, cockroaches,
ants, spiders, termites, bees,
wasps, hornets, flies,
pigeons, mosquitos, etc.
Mold, mildew, mushrooms
in any interior part of the
Unsanitary water, sewage
Noxious fumes from sewer